Becoming a Clinical Psychologist in Indiana
Find Programs for Clinical Psychology Degrees in Indiana
With you can find schools in your area that offer psychology degrees with a focus on clinical studies. With our directory of schools in Indiana you can request information from multiple programs to be sure you choose the right one for you. Review our directory of featured accredited colleges below to get started!
To function at his or her best, a person needs to be physically well in addition to being well in body, mind and spirit. In the past, people focused primarily on their physical health to the detriment of their mental health.
However, most professionals today recognize the importance of integrating physical and mental health for optimum wholeness.
People who work as psychologists in Indiana are instrumental in helping patients address and treat their mental health issues. It could be something as common as depression or as serious as schizophrenia. Whenever these problems impact someone’s life, they may benefit from psychological help. People also seek assistance for better ways in dealing with the stress of everyday life.
If helping people get through these challenges sounds like something you would enjoy, consider enrolling in a degree program to become a psychologist in Indiana.
At the beginning of your program, you would study the history and theory of abnormal psychology. You would then move on to learning specific skills, such as counseling techniques. A large portion of your degree program should also consist of an off-site internship.
Licensing Requirements
Indiana requires licensed psychologists to hold a doctorate degree and complete 3,100 hours of supervised work experience.
- The first 1,500 hours can be in the form of an internship and must be completed within two years.
- The remaining 1,600 hours must be completed after you receive your degree and involve face-to-face supervision.
- You must take at least one year to complete these hours.
After your hours and work experience are complete, you need to submit your application to the Indiana State Psychology Board.
Upon approval of your application, you will be notified that you are eligible to take the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP). You must pass this exam to become licensed to practice psychology in Indiana.
Career Outlook for Graduates in Indiana
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), clinical, school and counseling psychologists in Indiana earned a median annual salary of $66,200 in 2012. Psychologists whose job duties fall under all other classifications earned approximately $80,540 the same year.
- There were 1,400 people employed as clinical, school and counseling psychologists in 2012, which is approximately .50 for every 1,000 residents.
- The national average wage for this category of psychologists is $72,220.
- The highest paying jobs are in California, Washington, Colorado, Alabama and several eastern states.
- There were 140 Indiana residents employed in all other areas of psychology in 2012. This averages out to .05 for every 1,000 people who live in Indiana.
Nationwide, elementary and secondary schools employ the highest number of school, counseling and clinical psychologists. Offices of health care practitioners employ the second-highest number of these types of psychologists.
For all other psychologists, the top two industries of employment are the federal government and health care practitioners.
Psychologists who specialize in treating a specific segment of the population are expected to be in the highest demand for the decade 2010 to 2020.
As more children are diagnosed with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder, school psychologists are needed to help them reach their full potential. Psychologists who offer counseling services for normal work and family issues are also expected to remain in high demand.
Some of the reasons for the increase are that stress levels continue to rise and seeking help through therapy carries less of a stigma than it used to.
Don’t wait to take the next step toward professional success in the field of psychology! Contact the featured schools below to get started.